About TJEM

The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine was founded in 1920.

The TJEM is open to original articles in all branches of medical sciences. The TJEM also covers the fields of disaster-prevention science, including earthquake archeology.

Vol. 262, No. 2 June, 2024

Vol. 263, No. 1 May, 2024

Vol. 262, No. 4 April, 2024

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2023 Impact Factor: 1.7

5 year Impact Factor: 1.8
Acceptance Rate in 2023: 14%

The 100th Anniversary Collection
Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine with a Century of Tradition

The Disaster-Prevention Science Collection
10 Years since the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami of March 11, 2011

Select an Issue from the Archive: 1920 - 2024

Search the TJEM [Author and Keyword]: 1996 - 2024

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: 1997 - 2024

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Fax: +81-22-717-8185
e-mail: office@journal.med.tohoku.ac.jp

ONLINE ISSN 1349-3329
PRINT  ISSN 0040-8727